The philosophy: Every child can be great
Dr Suzuki believed that – rather than being an innate, perhaps hereditary talent that one is either lucky enough to be born with or not – musicianship is something that can be developed in everyone. He believed that – with an early start, a supportive, nurturing environment, a skilled teacher and of course plenty of practice – every child can become an accomplished musician.
But while many children who study the Suzuki method learn to play music to a very high standard, this wasn’t
Dr Suzuki’s primary intention. He believed that studying music would help them become better people, kinder to each other and respectful of each other’s needs. If all children were educated this way (not just in music, but in everything) then this would help bring peace and understanding to the world.
“I want to make good citizens. If a child hears fine music from the day of his birth and learns to play it himself, he develops sensitivity, discipline and endurance. He gets a beautiful heart.”