The Suzuki triangle: the role of the Suzuki parent

‘The Suzuki triangle’ refers to the student, teacher and parent who are all crucial elements if a young child is to reach their musical potential. The ‘Suzuki parent’ (it can be a grandparent or another carer, as long as they are invested in the child’s learning and can fulfil the criteria below) is responsible for:

o   Observing lessons and taking notes

o   Encouraging the child to practise, reminding them what the teacher says to focus on

o   Making sure the child listens to the CD every day

o   Creating the right environment for the child to progress: encouraging them to explore music more widely, playing music in the car, at dinner, bathtime etc; and most importantly providing positive reinforcement, praising every achievement, however small (in the same way that a baby’s first vaguely word-like noises were greeted with excitement and encouragement!).

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For more information on becoming a Suzuki parent see Sheila Warby’s book With love in my heart and a twinkle in my ear: A parent’s guide to Suzuki music education.

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